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Christian Contemplation Blog

The practice of Tarot has been around for centuries, with its origins shrouded in myth and legend. Some believe it originated in ancient Egypt, while others trace its roots back to medieval Europe. Regardless of its exact origins, the Tarot has a rich history steeped in mysticism and magic. This deck of 78 cards is not just a tool for fortune-telling, but a powerful instrument for introspection and personal growth.

At the heart of the Tarot lies the Major Arcana – a collection of 22 cards that represent significant archetypes and universal themes. Each card depicts vivid imagery and intricate symbolism, evoking deep emotions within the reader. The journey through these cards is like embarking on an epic quest, each step bringing us closer to greater understanding and self-awareness.

The Major Arcana cards are the most recognizable and mysterious part of the Tarot deck. Consisting of 22 cards, these powerful archetypes represent the main themes and lessons in our lives. Each card is rich in symbolism and holds a unique meaning that can offer insightful guidance to those seeking answers.

In this section, we will provide a brief overview of each Major Arcana card and their symbolism. It is important to note that there are various interpretations of these cards, and their meanings may vary depending on the individual reader or deck used. However, there are some common themes and symbols that can be found throughout all versions of the Tarot.

0. The Fool: This card represents new beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, and taking a leap into the unknown. The Fool is often depicted as a carefree traveler with a small pack on his back ready for adventure. He teaches us to embrace change and trust in our journey.

1. The Magician: With one hand pointing to the sky and the other pointing to the ground, The Magician symbolizes manifestation and harnessing personal power. He reminds us that everything we need is within us to create our own reality.

2.The High Priestess: This mysterious figure sits between two pillars representing balance between intuition and logic. She holds ancient knowledge and secrets waiting to be revealed through introspection.

3.The Empress: A symbol of nurturing love, abundance, creativity, fertility, beauty, and harmony with nature. She teaches us to honor our feminine energy and to connect with our surroundings.

4.The Emperor: The Emperor is a symbol of authority, leadership, structure, and control. He represents the masculine energy and reminds us to take charge of our lives and responsibilities.

5.The Hierophant: This card symbolizes tradition, education, religion, and spiritual guidance. The Hierophant teaches us to seek wisdom from trusted sources and to find meaning in rituals and traditions.

6.The Lovers: Often depicted as an angelic couple standing beneath the blazing sun, this card represents love and relationships. It can also symbolize choices and the need for balance between heart and mind.

7.The Chariot: A powerful card representing determination, willpower, success, and overcoming obstacles. The charioteer must learn to control opposing forces in order to move forward towards their goals.

8.Strength: This card depicts a woman taming a lion with gentle strength. It represents inner courage, resilience, self-control, and the ability to overcome challenges through compassion rather than force.

9.The Hermit: A solitary figure standing on top of a mountain holding a lantern representing inner wisdom and self-reflection. The Hermit guides us towards introspection and seeking answers within ourselves.

10.Wheel of Fortune: This card represents the cycles of life, fate, and unexpected changes. It reminds us that everything is constantly in motion and to embrace the ebb and flow of life.

11.Justice: Depicted as a figure holding scales, this card symbolizes fairness, balance, and cause and effect. Justice teaches us to make decisions based on logic rather than emotion.

12.The Hanged Man: A figure hanging upside down from a tree with a peaceful expression on his face. This card represents surrender, self-sacrifice, and seeing things from a different perspective.

13.Death: Often misunderstood as representing physical death, this card actually symbolizes transformation, endings, and new beginnings. It reminds us that change is necessary for growth.

14.Temperance: This card depicts an angel pouring water between two cups representing finding balance and moderation. Temperance reminds us to be patient and find harmony between opposing forces.

15.The Devil: A horned figure with chains around his neck holding a torch. The Devil represents materialism, addictions, temptation, and unhealthy attachments. He challenges us to break free from negative patterns.

16.The Tower: A tower struck by lightning with people falling out symbolizing chaos and destruction. The Tower represents sudden changes and the breaking down of old structures to make way for new beginnings.

17.The Star: A figure pouring water into a pond surrounded by stars symbolizing hope, inspiration, and guidance. The Star reminds us to trust in our intuition and to have faith during difficult times.

18.The Moon: This card depicts two towers with a moon between them representing the conscious and subconscious mind. It can also symbolize illusions, fears, and mystery.

19.The Sun: A joyful child riding on a horse with a sun shining brightly above. This card represents happiness, vitality, success, and enlightenment. The Sun reminds us to embrace positivity and share our light with others.

20.Judgement: Depicted as an angel blowing a trumpet, this card symbolizes self-evaluation, forgiveness, and rebirth. Judgement calls us to reflect on our actions and make necessary changes for personal growth.

21.The World: This final card represents completion, fulfillment, unity, and wholeness. The figure is often depicted inside a wreath representing the cyclical nature of life and the interconnectedness of all things.

Overall, the Major Arcana cards offer profound insights into our lives and serve as guides towards personal growth and understanding. Each card holds layers of symbolism and can offer different interpretations depending on the context. By exploring these archetypes, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

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Join me as I delve into the remarkable life and contributions of one of the most influential figures in The Western Mystery Tradition – Dr. Paul Foster Case. Renowned for his profound knowledge and groundbreaking teachings, Case's legacy continues to shape our understanding of esoteric philosophies. From his captivating insights on Tarot symbolism to his revolutionary interpretations of alchemy, this blog post will take you on a fascinating journey through Case’s life and explore how he breathed new life into mystical traditions that continue to captivate seekers around the world. Get ready to be inspired by a true pioneer in unlocking the hidden wisdom that lies within!

Introduction to Dr. Paul Foster Case and his background in the Western Mystery Tradition

Dr. Paul Foster Case was a prominent figure in the Western Mystery Tradition, known for his vast knowledge and profound insights into esoteric teachings. He was born on October 3rd, 1884 in Fairport, New York and passed away on March 2nd, 1954 in Los Angeles, California.

Case's interest in spirituality and occultism began at a young age when he started studying the Bible intensively. This led him to join various esoteric organizations such as the Theosophical Society and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. During this time, he also became acquainted with renowned figures in the Western Mystery Tradition such as Arthur Edward Waite and Aleister Crowley.

Throughout his life, Dr. Paul Foster Case dedicated himself to deciphering ancient wisdom and sharing it with others through various mediums such as lectures, books, and correspondence courses. He believed that every individual has within them the potential to achieve spiritual enlightenment by understanding their inner divinity.

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn: Case's Early Influences

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, also known as the Golden Dawn, was a secret society that emerged in the late 19th century and gained widespread popularity among occultists and spiritual seekers. Its teachings were based on the Western Mystery Tradition, which combined elements of ceremonial magic, Kabbalah, alchemy, astrology, and tarot. The Golden Dawn's influence on the development of esoteric traditions cannot be overstated, and it is from this order that Dr. Paul Foster Case drew much of his early inspiration.

Case was first introduced to the Golden Dawn in 1914 when he joined its branch in New York City. Under the guidance of renowned occultist William Wynn Westcott, Case delved into the teachings and practices of this mystical society. He quickly rose through the ranks and became one of its most respected members.

One aspect of the Golden Dawn that particularly resonated with Case was its emphasis on inner transformation through self-knowledge and spiritual development. This concept was also central to Case's philosophy and formed an integral part of his contribution to the Western Mystery Tradition

Case's Contributions to Tarot Interpretation and Understanding

One of Case's major contributions to Tarot interpretation was his deep exploration of the symbolism within the cards. He believed that each card held multiple layers of meaning, with both traditional esoteric symbols and personal interpretations being present. This holistic approach allowed for a deeper understanding of the cards and their connection to larger spiritual concepts.

Case also developed a system for interpreting the Tarot utilized numerology and correspondences between the Major Arcana cards, creating a framework for understanding their meanings and relationships with one another. This approach gave structure to what was previously seen as a random collection of images on each card.

In addition, Case emphasized the importance of studying Tarot in conjunction with other occult practices such as astrology, alchemy, and Qabalah. By integrating these disciplines into his teachings on Tarot, he provided a more comprehensive understanding of how all these systems work together to reveal deeper truths about ourselves and our place in the universe.

One unique aspect of Case's contributions is his incorporation of color psychology into Tarot interpretation. He believed that colors had specific vibrational frequencies that could be used to deepen our understanding of each card's meaning. Through his use of color symbolism in relation to elemental forces

Creation of the B.O.T.A. Tarot Deck

The B.O.T.A. Tarot Deck is considered one of the most significant contributions made by Dr. Paul Foster Case to the Western Mystery Tradition. This deck, also known as the Builders of the Adytum Tarot, was created by Case in collaboration with artist Jessie Burns Parke and was first published in 1930.

Case's intention with this deck was to create a tool for spiritual development that could be used by anyone, regardless of their religious or esoteric background. He believed that tarot offered a unique way to access knowledge and wisdom from within ourselves and the universe.

To understand the significance of the B.O.T.A. Tarot Deck, it is important to first explore Case's approach to tarot. Unlike many other occultists of his time, Case did not view tarot solely as a divination tool but rather as a symbolic representation of cosmic principles and archetypes.

Drawing from his extensive knowledge of Kabbalah, Hermeticism, and other esoteric teachings, Case infused each card in the deck with layers of meaning and symbolism. The Major Arcana cards were designed to represent universal principles such as The Fool representing pure potentiality and The Magician representing mastery over one's own destiny.

The Minor Arcana cards were divided into four suits – Wands (fire), Cups (water), Swords (air), and Pentacles (earth) – each corresponding to one element in alchemy and representing different aspects of human experience.

1. Founding of the Builders of the Adytum (B.O.T.A.)

One of Dr. Case's most notable contributions was founding the Builders of the Adytum (B.O.T.A.) in 1922 with Ann Davies. B.O.T.A. is a spiritual school that focuses on providing education and training in the occult sciences, specifically within the Hermetic Qabalah and Tarot.

Under Dr. Case's guidance, B.O.T.A. became one of the largest and most influential organizations in Western esotericism during its time. The teachings and practices he developed for B.O.T.A., such as correspondence courses, rituals, meditations, and lectures, continue to be followed by many students today.

2. Revival of Tarot Studies

Dr. Case played a crucial role in reviving interest in Tarot studies during his time as an occult teacher and leader within B.O.T.A.. He believed that Tarot was not just a tool for divination but also a powerful system for self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Through his teachings at B.O.T.A., Dr.Case introduced new interpretations of tarot symbolism based on his extensive knowledge of Hermetic philosophy and Kabbalistic principles

His interpretation of the Major Arcana cards in the tarot deck is heavily influenced by his understanding of Kabbalah, an ancient Jewish mystical tradition. Kabbalah is a complex system of thought that seeks to understand the nature of divinity and creation through symbolic associations and correspondences. It views the universe as a manifestation of divine energy, with each aspect representing different levels or dimensions of reality.

Case applied this concept to his interpretation of the Major Arcana, which he saw as a representation of spiritual evolution and transformation. According to Case, the 22 cards in the Major Arcana corresponded to the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet, which are also associated with specific numbers and symbols in Kabbalah.

In his book "The Tarot: A Key to the Wisdom of Ages," Case explains how each card in the Major Arcana represents a stage or step on one's spiritual journey towards enlightenment. He believed that by understanding these cards and their connections to Kabbalah, individuals could gain deeper insights into their own personal growth and development.

One of Case's most significant works is "The True & Invisible Rosicrucian Order," which delves into the symbolism and practices of Rosicrucianism. This book served as a comprehensive guide for those seeking to understand this mystical tradition deeply.

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Updated: Oct 6, 2023


The Lord's Prayer, also known as the "Our Father," holds a special place in the hearts of Christians around the world. Yet, if you've attended different Christian denominations' worship services, you might have noticed variations in how and when this prayer is recited. In this blog, we will explore the reasons behind these variations and how Jesus' teachings relate to the use of the Lord's Prayer in different denominations.

Variations in Reciting the Lord's Prayer:

1. Liturgical Traditions: One significant factor contributing to variations in the recitation of the Lord's Prayer is the liturgical tradition of each Christian denomination. Some denominations, like the Roman Catholic Church and many Anglican traditions, include the Lord's Prayer as a central component of their liturgy, recited during Mass or other worship services. However, other denominations with less formal liturgical practices may use it less frequently.

2. Theological Interpretations: Theological perspectives on the Lord's Prayer can also influence its use. While all Christians generally consider it an essential prayer, interpretations of its significance and how it should be used in worship can vary. Some see it as a model for prayer, while others view it as a prayer to be recited verbatim.

3. Scripture Translation: Variations in the wording of the Lord's Prayer can be found due to differences in Bible translations used by different denominations. For example, the phrasing of "forgive us our trespasses" differs from "forgive us our debts" or "forgive us our sins" in various translations.

4. Emphasis on Spontaneous Prayer: Some Christian groups place a strong emphasis on spontaneous, heartfelt prayer. In these communities, members may be encouraged to pray in their own words rather than recite set prayers like the Lord's Prayer.

5. Historical Practices: Over time, certain denominations have developed their own liturgical traditions that may not include the regular recitation of the Lord's Prayer. These historical practices are deeply rooted in the worship of these communities.

Jesus' Teachings and the Lord's Prayer

To understand why variations exist, it's essential to explore how Jesus' teachings relate to the use of the Lord's Prayer. In Matthew 6:9-13 (NIV), Jesus himself provides the framework for this prayer:

"Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."

1. Model for Prayer: Jesus introduced the Lord's Prayer as a model for how his followers should pray. He emphasized the importance of addressing God as our Father, acknowledging His holiness, and seeking His will and provision.

2. Forgiveness: The part of the prayer that asks for forgiveness and emphasizes the importance of forgiving others is in line with Jesus' teachings. In Matthew 6:14-15, just after the Lord's Prayer, Jesus reinforces the idea that forgiving others is a prerequisite for receiving forgiveness from God.

3. God's Kingdom: By praying for God's kingdom to come and His will to be done on earth, Christians are aligning themselves with Jesus' teachings about the Kingdom of God, which he often preached during his ministry.


The variations in the recitation of the Lord's Prayer among Christian denominations stem from a combination of historical, theological, and liturgical factors. Despite these differences, the prayer remains a central and revered part of Christian tradition. Understanding Jesus' teachings, as reflected in the Lord's Prayer, can help us appreciate its significance and meaning in the diverse tapestry of Christian worship practices.

In your contemplative journey, it's valuable to reflect on the rich spiritual heritage that the Lord's Prayer represents across various Christian traditions, recognizing the unity it brings to believers in their shared devotion to God.

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