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The Teachings and Commands of Jesus Christ


Summary of Teachings
  • Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

  • Love your neighbor as yourself.

  • Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

  • Repent and believe in the Gospel.

  • Follow me (Jesus).

  • Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

  • Do not judge others.

  • Forgive others as God has forgiven you.

  • Store up treasure in heaven, not on earth.

  • Serve others and be a servant to all.


The Commands of Jesus: A Comprehensive Study of the Teachings of Christ


The teachings of Jesus Christ have served as a guiding force for billions of people worldwide for over two millennia. Central to these teachings are the commands Jesus gave to his followers, providing a moral and spiritual compass for living a righteous life. This paper will explore the essential commands of Jesus, their context, and their relevance to modern-day believers. Furthermore, it will delve into how these commands offer profound insights into the nature of God and the human experience.



Jesus Christ, the central figure in Christianity, is regarded as the Son of God and the promised Messiah who brought salvation to humanity. Jesus delivered various teachings to his followers throughout his life, which were later recorded in the canonical gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Among these teachings are the commands of Jesus, which provide guidance on how to live in accordance with God's will. By examining these commands, we can glean insight into the nature of God, the purpose of human existence, and the path to achieving salvation.


1.  The Greatest Commandment: Love God and Love Others


Loving God: Devotion, Faith, and Obedience

The first and greatest commandment is to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind" (Matthew 22:37, NIV). This commandment calls for a deep, unwavering commitment to God, where our entire being is devoted to Him. This love encompasses three primary aspects:


  • Devotion: Loving God requires us to prioritize our relationship with Him above all else. This means dedicating time to prayer, worship, and studying His Word. Devotion also involves cultivating a heart of gratitude, acknowledging God's goodness and mercy in our lives.

  • Faith: Trusting in God's promises, wisdom, and sovereignty is an essential aspect of loving Him. Faith means believing in God's power to guide, protect, and provide for us, even in the face of adversity. It also involves placing our hope in the eternal salvation offered through Jesus Christ.

  • Obedience: Love for God is demonstrated through our willingness to follow His commandments and teachings. This includes adhering to biblical principles, seeking to do His will in every aspect of our lives, and striving for spiritual growth and holiness.


Loving Others: Compassion, Empathy, and Forgiveness

The second commandment, which is closely connected to the first, is to "Love your neighbor as yourself" (Matthew 22:39, NIV). This commandment challenges us to treat others with the same care, respect, and dignity we would expect for ourselves. This love for others encompasses three essential components:


  • Compassion: Showing kindness and mercy towards those in need is a central element of loving others. Jesus repeatedly emphasized the importance of caring for the poor, the sick, and the marginalized. As followers of Christ, we are called to alleviate suffering and injustice whenever possible.

  • Empathy: Loving others involves putting ourselves in their shoes and understanding their feelings, perspectives, and experiences. By practicing empathy, we can better appreciate the struggles others face and respond with sensitivity and support. Empathy fosters genuine connections and promotes unity within our communities.

  • Forgiveness: Jesus taught that we should forgive others as God has forgiven us (Matthew 6:14-15). This means letting go of resentment, anger, and the desire for revenge, even when we have been wronged. Forgiveness paves the way for healing and reconciliation, allowing us to maintain healthy relationships and experience personal growth.


By adhering to the greatest commandments of loving God and loving others, we fulfill the requirements of both the Old Testament law and the teachings of Jesus. These commandments serve as a moral and spiritual compass, guiding us toward a life that is pleasing to God and reflective of His divine nature.


2.  The Golden Rule: Treat Others as You Would Like to Be Treated

The Golden Rule, found in Matthew 7:12, is a foundational command that encapsulates the spirit of Jesus' teachings. This principle calls for treating others with kindness and respect, regardless of their beliefs, background, or behavior. The Golden Rule emphasizes the importance of empathy and promotes a culture of understanding and peace.


3.  The Great Commission: Spread the Good News

Before ascending into heaven, Jesus commanded his disciples to go forth and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). This directive, known as the Great Commission, urges believers to share the message of salvation with others. The Great Commission emphasizes the responsibility of Christians to spread the Gospel and actively engage in the spiritual growth of others.


4.  Forgiveness: The Path to Reconciliation

Forgiveness is a recurring theme in Jesus' teachings, as seen in the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:12) and the parable of the unforgiving servant (Matthew 18:21-35). Jesus commands his followers to forgive others, even as they seek forgiveness from God. This principle highlights the importance of reconciliation and underscores the need for humility, mercy, and compassion in our relationships.


5.  Serving Others: A True Measure of Greatness

Jesus taught that greatness is measured by one's willingness to serve others (Mark 10:43-45). He exemplified this principle by washing his disciples' feet (John 13:3-17), a symbol of humble service. Serving others is an essential aspect of Christian discipleship, as it reflects Christ's love and fosters unity within the community of believers.

Summary of Additional Teachings of Jesus Christ


Seek the Truth

  • Seek the Truth, Luke 11:9-13

  • Have Ears that Hear, Mathew 13:9-17

  • Pursue Righteousness, and the truth will be revealed. John 7:14-18

  • Worship in spirit and truth, John 7:37-39 John 8:12, and John 4:1-42

  • Do not make excuses for not seeking God, Luke 14:15-24

  • Seeking the truth means rejecting the untruth, Mark 8:13-21 Mathew 16:5-12 Luke 21:8-Mark 13:1-6

  • Do not think as Men think but as God Thinks, Mathew 16:13-28 Mark 8:13-21

  • How to Identify the False Prophets, Mathew 7:15-20 Mathew 24:23-27 Mark 13:21-23

  • Make a right judgment, John 7:23-24


Make God First and be Humble

  • Have No Other Gods, Dt 5:6-7 Mathew 4:8-10

  • You, Will, Serve Something, Mathew 11:28-30

  • Serve God Alone, Mathew 6:24- Luke 16:13

  • Do not be Idolaters, John 4: 20-26

  • Man does not live by bread alone, Mathew 4:1-4  Luke 4:2-4

  • Work for the Bread that Satisfies, Luke 6:1-35


Do not Worry

  • Do not Worry About Food and Clothing, Mathew 6:24-34 Luke 12:22-34

  • Do not put Worries, Fears, or Traumas of the Past Before God, Luke 8:4-15

  • Do not be Afraid, Mathew 10:26-31 Mark 13:7-8 Mark 4:35-41 Luke 12:32 Luke 14:27


Do not let money be your God

  • Do Not Let Money Be Your God, Mark 10:17-27- Luke 18:18-27- Mathew 19:16-26

  • Do not Pursue Riches, Luke 8:4-15

  • Tithe, Mathew 23:23

  • The Proper Use of Money, Luke 16:1-15


Do not be Prideful

  • Subject your defensive to the Lord's Discipline, Mathew 6:19-23 Luke 11:34-36

  • Do not put Your Power and Glory Before God's, Mathew 4:1-4  Luke 4:2-4

  • Know the Cost, Luke 14:25-35 Mathew 8: 18-22 Luke 9:57-62

  • Do not Live by the Sword, Mathew 26:51-54 Mark 14:47 Luke 22:49-51

  • Humble Yourself, Luke 18:9-14 Luke 14:7-11

  • Do not be prideful and selfish, Mark 9:38-41- Luke 9:49-50

  • Do not use God to receive Honor from Men, Mathew 6:1-6 Mark 12:38-40

  • Do not Pursue Honor from Men Luke 5:31-47


Do not Pursue Pleasures

  • Do not let the Pursuit of Pleasure Be Your God, Luke 12:13-21

  • Do not Pursue Pleasures, Luke 8:4-15

  • Do not Put Your Family Members Before God, Mathew 12:46-50 Luke 8:19-21

  • Do not put Worries About Social Proprieties Before God, Luke 10:38-42

  • Avoid unclean thoughts, Mathew 15:1-20 Mark 7:1-23 Luke 11:37-40

  • Fasting. Luke 5:29-39- Mathew 9:14-17 Mark 2:18-22 Mathew 6:16-18


Love God and Repent

  • The Greatest Commandment, Deuteronomy 6:5 Mathew 22:34-40 Mark 12:28-34 Luke 10:25-29

  • Take God Seriously, Mathew 22:1-14

  • Do not blaspheme, Mathew 12:24-32 Luke 12:10

  • Honor Jesus, Luke 22:14-20- Mathew 26:26-28- Mark 14:22-24

  • Do not try to control God, Mathew 16:1-4- Mark 8:10-12 Luke 11:28-32

  • Watch, Pray, and See, Mathew 26:36-45 Mark 14:32-41 Luke 22:39-46

  • Do not put God to the Test, Mathew 4:1-11 Luke 4:9-12

  • Do not treat what is holy as if it were not holy. Mathew 7:6

  • Do not add rules to God's Law, Mathew 23:4-13 and15

  • Keep from evil, Deuteronomy 28:14 Joshua 1:7 Joshua 23:6

  • Give God what you owe Him, Mathew 22:15-22 Luke 20:21-26

  • Repent, Mathew 4:12-17 Mark 1:15 Mark 6:12

  • Repentance is better than righteous talk, Mathew 21:23-46

  • Do not wait to repent, Luke 13:1-9

  • Lead the way in Repentance, Luke 22:31-46

  • Be reconciled to your brother, Mathew 5:23-26


Follow God and Be Saved

  • Be Saved, Mathew 7:13-14 Luke 13:23-30 Mathew 13:9-17 Luke 14:28-35

  • Believe, John 1:1-28 and John 3:25-36

  • Be born of water and the Spirit, John 3:1-21

  • Feed on Jesus, John 6:51-58

  • Lose all rather than be lost, Mathew18:8-9 Mark 9:43-48

  • Be Wise, Mathew 25:1-13

  • Be Ready, Mathew 24:42-44 Luke 12:35-40 Luke 21:34-36 Mark 13:32-37

  • Leaders of Jesus' church must be ready for His return, Mathew 24:45-51 and Luke 12:41-48

  • Give up your life to follow Jesus, Mathew 4:18-22- Mark 1:16-20- 2:14-15- Mathew 9:9- Mathew 13:44-46

  • Let the Dead do it, Mathew 8: 18-22 and Luke 9:57-62

  • Deny Yourself, Mathew 16:24-28 Mark 8:34-38 Luke 9:23-26 John 12:23-26- Mathew 10:38

  • Testify, John 15:27 17:18  20:21 21:18-19

  • Do what you see God doing, John 5:16


The Second Greatest Commandment: Love your neighbor as yourself

  • Love Your Neighbor, Mathew 7:12 and 22:39, Mark 12:28-34

  • Don't Offend, Mathew 17:9-13 and 15:10-14

  • Do not hate your brother in your heart, Leviticus 19:17-19

  • Who is your neighbor? Love your neighbor as yourself, Luke10:29-37

  • Be careful what you do in anger, Mathew 5:21-22

  • Give to those in need, Luke 6:30-31 Mathew 5:42

  • Let people take advantage of you, Mathew 5:38-4  Luke 6:29

  • Be Merciful, Mathew 7:1-5 and 23:23 Luke 6:36-38

  • Love those who hate you, Mathew 5:43-48

  • Reveal the truth so that others can be saved, Mark 4:10-25



The commands of Jesus provide a moral and spiritual framework for living a life that is pleasing to God. By loving God and others, treating people with kindness and respect, sharing the Gospel, forgiving one another, and serving others selflessly, we can adhere to the teachings of Christ and experience the transformative power of His grace. These commands remain relevant and essential for modern-day believers, offering timeless wisdom and guidance for navigating the complexities of life.



The Teachings of Jesus


Who is Jesus?

The Teachings and Commands of Jesus (This Page)

The Teachings on Virtue

The Teachings on Wisdom and Compassion

Hard Questions


Books of the Bible


Synopsis of the Gospel of Mark

Synopsis of the Gospel of John

The Acts of the Apostles

The Book of Romans

The Book of Hebrews

The Book of Galatians


Learning the Bible


Bible Reading Plans

Important Verses to Study

The Theology of Saint Thomas Aquinas


Who are Jesus’ Disciples


The Apostles of Jesus

All About Holy Mary

The Authentic Disciple

Great Christian Ministers


Guided Practices

Get to Know Jesus

The Presence of Jesus



© 2025 Robert Barnett

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